"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD" ~Joshua 24:15.

As you prepare yourself for Church this weekend, kindly consider your family too. That gathering (the Church) decides a great part of your life. Talk to your parents, siblings, spouse, and children about Church life. Help them treat that seriously as you do. Joshua said I don't know about you guys, "...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Don't serve alone; do so with your household —your family.

A united family in faith is a triumphant one. Don't take this for granted. If you truly arise to spiritual leadership in your family, you will be that lighted candle on a candlestick giving light to all in the house. Some people really don't care. They just wake up and go to church every now and then without considering their very immediate family. Where are your parents? Where are your siblings? What of your spouse and children? Become concerned! Pray and act. Pray and encourage them. Pray and invite them to Church. That's what someone who wants to serve the LORD with his or her family does. 

If you show good respect for Church life and couple that with a godly conduct, you'll easily win your family to the LORD. I heard a story of a fellow saint who spoke so badly of another saint that a yet to-be-won soul was discouraged. Never be such a Christian who speaks so carelessly of other believers and the church without giving attention to the effect your words have on others, especially on the unsaved. Never be the reason someone found it hard to believe or be a part of the believers' fellowship. It's a bad attitude. 

Unfortunately, some are so; making it hard even for their parents, siblings, spouse, or children to come to the Lord. Match your belief with good conduct. The Bible emphasizes that we be the light to the world in word and in deeds! Be different, child of light.

This Sunday, help someone be a part of fellowship. Be the reason, by willingness, intentionality, and the guide of the Spirit why someone came to the Lord this Sunday. If you had invited someone to Church before, prayerfully do so again. The fellowship of saints is required by God and it is a fellowship of blessings. Having the interest to take others along is proof of the faith you have in God at fellowship. 

You often only feel comfortable in going alone to private places or to places you are ashamed of. Church isn't private and nothing to be ashamed of; so, rather be uncomfortable going alone. Serve the Lord proudly by helping someone find help in Christ. Go the extra mile; go out of your comfort zone. He that wins souls IS WISE, saith the Lord. Be wise! Be fruitful!

"The fruit of the righteous [is] a tree of life; and he that winneth souls [is] wise". ~ Proverbs 11:30.

If your fmily members are going to church elsewhere and doing well in the faith, let them be. But if they aren't or not even going at all, and you are doing well where you are, then take them along with you. That's basic love beyond denominational differences or religious constraints. You should wish the best for your family. 


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