Train Up A Child In A Way That He Should Go


In today's fast-paced world, there are still places where the sound of cars never reaches, but the need for guidance and mentorship remains just as important. In one such remote area, the President and Vision Bearer of Messiah Worshippers, Minister Nkemofa Godwill Fombuwing, took on the challenge and risk of venturing where no vehicles can pass. His mission? To train young people in the art of playing musical instruments that would empower them spiritually and creatively.

Despite the obstacles and rugged terrain, Minister Nkemofa Godwill pressed on, embodying the true essence of the scripture from Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." His visit was more than a mere act of kindness; it was a purposeful mission to invest in the future of these young people, teaching them how to play the drum, keyboard, and bass guitar.

In these remote areas, opportunities to learn such instruments are few and far between, but the desire to worship and serve God is as strong as ever. Minister Nkemofa Godwill understands that music is not just a form of expression—it’s a way to connect with the Divine. His efforts will enable these young people to contribute to their communities, their churches, and, most importantly, to the kingdom of God.

Through his dedication, Minister Nkemofa has demonstrated that true leadership often requires stepping outside of comfort zones. It means making sacrifices and venturing into the unknown so that others may thrive. The young people under his training will carry these lessons with them for a lifetime, both as musicians and as future leaders.

As we reflect on this inspiring journey, we are reminded that greatness often begins in the most humble of places. For Minister Nkemofa Godwill, it was a remote village, but for the young people he touched, it was the beginning of something much greater.

Let this story inspire us all to invest in the next generation and to continue the work, no matter how remote the destination may be.

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  1. Oh my goodness. This is so great from this leader.

    May the Lord not forget him in a hurry. Amen
