The reason why we have some of God's children not prospering as they should is because they're employed in companies but waste their time on the Social Media or other things not related to work, whereas they have a lot of company work undone. And at the end of the month, they receive pay for work they didn't do. That's called unfaithfulness. Man may not be seeing you, but God does; the God you claim to be serving. At the end, such people don't prosper in God's grace. Then they become complainers, murmurers, and get frustrated as the ungodly. If living for salary is all you work for, you haven't yet found life and purpose with God; you haven't mastered the true wisdom for prospering GOD'S WAY. Be faithful TOWARDS GOD by being faithful towards the one who recruited or employed you.

Do what you were employed to do and do that diligently and with excellence. Strive to go beyond expectations; think of new ways to meet company objectives. Find better ways of making your department excel. Be a team player who can bring people out of employee grievances, and inspire them towards godliness. Be the joy of the company and the light no one can resist. It doesn't matter where they placed you, shine; whether as a cook, cleaner, gatekeeper, help desk, or manager; carry the light of righteousness in diligence and excellence. Be fruitful professionally and spiritually. Let your balance and results be unmatched! Be missed if you leave that company for one reason or another. God is watching you!

In this world, we represent God our Father in all things, in every place, and at all times. Carry this consciousness beyond the four walls of the church. You represent the King of kings. When people look at you, what do they say? Be the reason people want to draw closer to God. Carry an extraordinary testimony daily; be outstanding! That's why you received the Holy Spirit in the first place! That's why He lives in you. He has empowered us for uncommon results in righteousness. Let this fragrance of excellence emanate from you daily. The secret is to do things as unto the Lord; REPRESENT! Speak as one who represents. Serve as one who represents. Be truly faithful and carry a pure conscience. Let your work reveal the beauty of God's Kingdom. Do things like you seek to express Heaven on earth! And yes you can! Yes, you should! Be faithful towards God in everything you do.

The reward of faithfulness towards God outweighs all material (tangible or intangible) rewards man can ever give you. Some of God's children suffer unnecessarily because they've failed to understand this delicate truth; they're still trapped in pleasing men and in eye service. Be wiser than such foolishness in the world. Step up the quality of your life by truly becoming God conscious. There's a treasure in you; an uncommon treasure. However, it only finds best expression in true service. This is the reason why though this is in all of God's children, not all express it. The day you get this, you have understood one of the greatest secrets in God's Kingdom. Change today and do so right now.

Don't just read this passively. Your poverty or riches is in this lesson. This lesson decides your restfulness or "restlessness". How fulfilled you are in life is decided by your attitude towards this lesson. Don't keep doing the wrong things and asking God the why questions of your unfavorable results. He already answered through this lesson. I have trained a couple of people who are excelling in life today, and none of them is anything without such lessons. So, wake up today. True focus and diligence with a pure conscience towards God is the trigger of a fulfilling and prosperous life.

Let God trust you with what He has given you.

Round up this week and month with excellence. 

Have a blessed new week and month. Excel by the power of the Holy Spirit and bring the influence of God's fame in your world. 

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